• Question: If your stuck on a remote island with no means of getting off who and what do you bring?

    Asked by lor.can to Thomas, Ellen, Elliot, Hazel, Rupesh on 13 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Elliot Jokl

      Elliot Jokl answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      Thanks for the question!

      A helicopter and a helicopter pilot? Is that allowed?

      If not, probably someone like Bear Grylls to help me figure out how to survive. And I would also bring a radio or something so I can listen to music and learn what is going on out in the world whilst I’m gone.

    • Photo: Ellen Gill

      Ellen Gill answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      I bring my boyfriend (he’s an engineer so we make a good team) and a well-sharpened swiss army knife. We will take over that island in no time!

    • Photo: Hazel Garvie-Cook

      Hazel Garvie-Cook answered on 16 Jun 2016:

      Good question! I haven’t thought about this before. I think Elliot’s made a good point – Bear Grylls would be a very useful person to have around to find food and shelter. I’d also bring along David Attenborough as I bet he has amazing stories to tell that would keep us going when we’re feeling hungry and tired. Also I’d have Jennifer Lawrence there – she’s really funny so I think she’d be really fun to have around.
      I’d take stuff with me that would keep my mind active, like a crossword book, and would maybe bring a book which I could learn a language from. I’d take the Harry Potter books and also a musical instrument, like a guitar.

    • Photo: Thomas Biggans

      Thomas Biggans answered on 18 Jun 2016:

      I’d take a bow and arrow because I enjoy archery as a hobby and it would be useful for hunting food.

      If I wanted to survive for as long as possible I’d take a doctor with me but I’d rather take my fiance because she’s good company (most of the time :P)
