• Question: If someone gets radiation illness or something do you think they could survive it and still have the illness with or without treatment and potentially have a new but wierd ability to whoever has or had the illness kind of like a super-human power like the hulk who got his powers from GAMMA radiation?

    Asked by FUTURE GAMER to Ellen, Elliot, Hazel, Rupesh, Thomas on 21 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Elliot Jokl

      Elliot Jokl answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      The problem with radiation is that it damages DNA randomly. So even if you got a dose that caused mutations, but wasn’t a big enough dose to kill you, all your cells would have different mutations.

      So even if one cell ended up with a mutation that makes your muscle stronger, the odds that even a small amount of other cells would also have the same mutation are so very tiny that you would have to do this to more people than have ever existed, billions of times over to get it to happen once. And then a lot of the other mutations will probably increase your risk of cancer and other diseases, so for every slightly stronger person you create, you give billions of people cancer.

      I wish this were not the case, but sadly, radiation is not a very likely source of superhuman powers.

    • Photo: Thomas Biggans

      Thomas Biggans answered on 22 Jun 2016:

      How to survive a radiation induced illness would depend on how much radiation you were exposed to. A little bit won’t cause any problems, quite a bit might give you side effects that you’ll recover from, more than a bit will cause severe illness that you’d need help to recover from with possible permanent damage and alot of radiation will probably cause an illness which you can’t survive.

      As for abilities that would all be down to chance, you would have to hope that the radiation had managed to damage your DNA in a very specific way and then your body would then have to fix or mutate this DNA in a very specific way and even then your superpower probably wouldn’t start working for a long time. Radiation causes damage quite randomly so it is far more likely to cause problems like cancer than give you superpowers.

      The hulk was a one off, if you want a superpower you might be better off letting Elliot experiment on you :P.
