• Question: how wudld you cure fibromyalgia

    Asked by ahmed khan to Elliot on 23 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Elliot Jokl

      Elliot Jokl answered on 23 Jun 2016:

      Thanks for the question!

      I’ll be honest – I had to google what fibromyalgia is. I had heard the name before, but I didn’t know much about the disease! It sounds like it is a very nasty condition, and I hope that if you know someone with fibromyalgia that they are not doing too badly because of it.

      Sadly, it looks like we currently don’t really know a lot about fibromyalgia and what causes it. Until we can understand what causes it to happen, it is very hard to think of a way it might be cured.

      So to start with I would try to do some research into people with fibromyalgia – a good place to start would be to look at the DNA of people with fibromyalgia and see if there were any differences with the DNA of healthy people. These differences might help us see if there are certain genes in people with fibromyalgia that make them more likely to suffer from the disease.

      If we then figure out what these genes do, we might be able to develop medicines to undo these changes.

      This is a very long process, and I’m sure there are scientists out there who are probably doing the kinds of things that I am describing, so hopefully they come up with some good ideas in the near future.
