• Question: how long does it take for a seed to grow into a plant?

    Asked by Harvey to Rupesh on 13 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Rupesh Paudyal

      Rupesh Paudyal answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      It really depends on what seed you have.

      If you have chick peas, beans or chili seeds then they could start to sprout in 1-2 weeks.

      If you want to grow your own plants or do your own experiment to find out how long each plants take to sprout and eventually grow into a plant then you can. Simply follow the steps below:

      1. In a small dish put some damp cotton and leave the seeds of the plants you want. I suggest chick peas, beans and chili seeds – they should all be dry of course.
      2. Wrap the dish containing damp cotton and your seeds (about 10 each) with tin foil and put it in fridge for 2 days.
      3. Simply take the dish out of the fridge and keep it in warm room and remove the tin foil to expose it to light. Make sure to keep on topping up a bit of water to keep the cotton damp.
      4. Plants will start to germinate soon and you can make note of how long each takes.
      5. You can share your results with me if you wish
      6. Have fun!!!

