• Question: evolution or Big bang?

    Asked by Veronica to Ellen, Elliot, Hazel, Rupesh, Thomas on 14 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Elliot Jokl

      Elliot Jokl answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      I am not sure I understand what you mean. Both of these things happened, I don’t think you get to pick one or the other!

      In terms of which is my favourite to think about, I would have to say evolution. I am a Biologist, so maybe I’m a little biased! But it is really interesting to think about how life started and changed over time, and how life is all connected by a massive, weird and wonderful family tree!

      If this isn’t what you meant, feel free to let me know in the comments!

    • Photo: Thomas Biggans

      Thomas Biggans answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      As Elliot says both of these things have evidence to prove that they happened.

      If I have to choose a favourite I think I’d go with evolution. I like how evolution shows life adapting to its environment essentially upgrading itself so we are better equipped to survive. And it’s so interesting to see the different methods that nature came up with to achieve the same goal. Some forms of life can camouflage themselves, some are really fast, some are strong and I suppose we’ve got our intelligence.

    • Photo: Hazel Garvie-Cook

      Hazel Garvie-Cook answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      Both are the current ideas about what happened, based on what we’ve found out so far. The theories might change as we find more as all theories can!
