• Question: do you think when you explain and try to convince others to like science you can be a bit biased?

    Asked by 372bsmf24 to Thomas, Rupesh, Hazel, Elliot, Ellen on 20 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Thomas Biggans

      Thomas Biggans answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      Good Question,

      Obviously all of us that are taking part like science and enjoy it as a career but I think we are being honest with our opinions. We’ve been asked a few times what our least favourite thing about science is and we’ve all had something to give as an example.

      For me personally I’m trying to show you why I like science because you might not have thought about science in the way I do before. I’m trying to tell you what I do with science because you might not have known you could do these kind of things. In the end you might not like science but at least you know more about it and you can appreciate what science can do.

    • Photo: Elliot Jokl

      Elliot Jokl answered on 21 Jun 2016:

      Good question.

      As Thomas said, we are here because we like science a lot, and we obviously like the kind of science that we are doing right now because we chose to do it!

      So in some ways, I can be biased towards Biology, because I think it is very interesting and I prefer learning about it compared to Physics of Chemistry. And that might not be a good thing, because maybe the person I am talking to would really like physics or chemistry, and gets put off science because of me talking about Biology!

      I think that is why the organisers of this event have tried to put a mixture of different scientists on these groups, so that people can see a full variety of science and get the best chance of seeing something that makes them think about studying science further.
