• Question: do you believe in ghosts and aliens?

    Asked by Veronica to Ellen, Elliot, Hazel, Rupesh, Thomas on 13 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Elliot Jokl

      Elliot Jokl answered on 13 Jun 2016:

      Hello and thanks for the question!

      I don’t believe in ghosts – I’ve just never seen one and I’ve never seen any convincing evidence that they are real. Most stories that I hear about them are not very reliable, and just intended to spook people and so I don’t think they are really true.

      As for aliens, I think because the universe is so huge, the chances of there being other forms of life are very good. As to whether they have ever paid us a visit, I don’t think they have…


    • Photo: Thomas Biggans

      Thomas Biggans answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      I think we might have made up the idea of ghosts to explain things that we didn’t understand, science has helped us to understand most of these things now so it’s difficult to believe that ghosts are real.

      As for Aliens, Yes I do believe, Life happened here on Earth so it’s likely it happened somewhere else too. I don’t know whether we’ll ever find them and if we did find them what would they be like? Would we be able to talk to them? Would we be friends?

      In any case there are lots of people here on earth who are searching for other living life forms as well as traces of life that’s no longer there. They use very large telescopes, satellites and probes to collect information and then study it very carefully.

      Other life forms may have tuned it to our TV signal but depending on how far away they are this signal could be many many years old so they may only be on Episode 1 of Eastenders

    • Photo: Hazel Garvie-Cook

      Hazel Garvie-Cook answered on 16 Jun 2016:

      I believe in aliens, the universe is so unbelievably big, I can’t imagine there not being another form of life out there.
      I don’t believe in ghosts. I think that when people think they’ve seen a ghost, or have felt a spirit or something like that, it’s their mind showing them what they want to see. The human mind and imagination can do strange and wonderful things!
