• Question: and why do you need good grades for science (for hair and beauty) is it to do with allergic reactions with chemicals?

    Asked by naomiharrington.x to Ellen, Elliot, Hazel, Rupesh, Thomas on 14 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Elliot Jokl

      Elliot Jokl answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      Hello and thanks for the question!

      I think you may be right! Science is important for lots of things, not just working in a lab. I don’t know a lot about hair and beauty courses, but there are lots of different chemicals people use in beauty products, and maybe it is useful to learn how they work and if they might be dangerous to certain people. That way you will know what products to use if you are trying to help with a particular problem. Skin especially can be a very sensitive organ, and learning how to keep it healthy is probably an important part of a beautician’s job.

    • Photo: Rupesh Paudyal

      Rupesh Paudyal answered on 14 Jun 2016:

      Hi Naomi,

      Great question!

      My sister studied to be a Beauty Therapist and I was very surprised about how much science and Biology she had to study. It is because when you are treating another human being you need to be aware about how different body parts respond.

      For example some skin are very sensitive and you need to be aware of allergic reactions some chemicals may cause, you need to be aware of the nervous system and how muscles to make massage more effective.

      You need to be aware of different stages of the cell cycle to determine what growth stage the hair cell is at etc… So, Biology is important for Hair and Beauty!

      Hope that helps!

    • Photo: Ellen Gill

      Ellen Gill answered on 15 Jun 2016:

      I was actually discussing this with my hairdresser the other week!
      And yes, most hair and beauty treatments are no joke, you need to understand chemistry and biology fairly well before you go slapping chemical products on people.
      There’s also the way different hair/skin types react to the same treatment, dermatology’s a whole thing in itself, you’ll probably end up learning a fair bit about medical conditions that affect appearances if you go down the hair and beauty route too. It’s an involved subject!

    • Photo: Thomas Biggans

      Thomas Biggans answered on 16 Jun 2016:

      Hair and Beauty specialists are experts which means they know how their products work and recognize when its not safe to use them. They also need to be able to problem solve, if something goes wrong you need to be able to work out how to fix it!

      So as much as knowing things is important science also teaches you skills like problem solving and communication which are important in alot of different professions.

    • Photo: Hazel Garvie-Cook

      Hazel Garvie-Cook answered on 16 Jun 2016:

      Some people can have really severe reactions to certain chemicals, so it’s important to know what products will cause these reactions, before recommending them to people. Also if you run your own salon in the future and you want to choose which products to sell and to promote, it’s good to know the science between the products, what makes them different and which ones are better, so that you sell the best product!
