• Question: what kind of mutant do you make?

    Asked by Mr epic man 56 to Elliot on 24 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Elliot Jokl

      Elliot Jokl answered on 24 Jun 2016:

      Thanks for the question!

      So my project was based on a mutant mouse, which can’t make a certain molecule, and this leads to a disease in it’s muscles. So the gene for the molecule it can’t make (called Ky) must be pretty important for muscles. At the moment, though, we don’t really know what the ky molecule does.

      So what I am doing is trying to mutate the Ky gene in zebrafish and muscle cells, to see if we can find more evidence of how important ky is, and figure out what it is doing.

      Not as exciting as the X-Men, but a pretty interesting start.
