• Question: What do you think about how the world began and do you think religions are wrong because they do not agree with scientific theories?

    Asked by Bernice to Ellen, Elliot, Hazel, Rupesh, Thomas on 20 Jun 2016.
    • Photo: Thomas Biggans

      Thomas Biggans answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      I think the universe was started by the big bang and the world was formed from bits of rock colliding together. There is scientific evidence for these things so I do think some religions can be wrong on certain issues.

      I’m certain that some of the religious ideas we have now have been developed by the human race itself but what I’d like to know is if it all started from somewhere like a massive game of Chinese whispers. Did god have a chat with one person and the story evolve from person to person over millions of years?

      Science has disproved alot of religious beliefs but it hasn’t disproved them all. Perhaps god started the big bang we can’t prove or disprove that idea. You can’t say religion is wrong on every issue just like you can’t say that every scientific theory is definitely true. Science relies on the evidence and religion can fill in all the gaps in between.

    • Photo: Hazel Garvie-Cook

      Hazel Garvie-Cook answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      The current theory for how the world began is the Big Bang theory. There are still a few things that it doesn’t explain, but a lot of the phenomena we see today in the universe are explained well in the Big Bang theory.
      Not all parts of religion disagree with scientific theories. Religion forms an important part of people’s lives, and has played an important role in society, our history and who we are today. It’s definitely possible to be religious and a scientist, it just depends what kind of religion you follow and how open minded you are. Scientists need to be open minded, they shouldn’t “believe” in things, but should look at evidence which works towards/against certain theories.

    • Photo: Elliot Jokl

      Elliot Jokl answered on 20 Jun 2016:

      Hello and thanks for the question!

      As the others have said, there are good scientific explanations for how our world began, and how life began and evolved. There are some things we still don’t understand very well. Ultimately, though, I think science will be able to provide a complete or near complete explanation of the mechanisms that got us to where we are today. If there is a religion that disagrees with the scientific mechanisms that we have discovered, which have a lot of good evidence supporting them, then those religious ideas are not correct.

      There are lots of religions and religious people who do accept the science and use their religion to guide other aspects of their life. There are many great religious scientists. The important thing is being able to understand and follow the evidence.
